- Pope Francis has canonized Brazilian Catholics who were martyred by Calvinists in 1645. Maybe this is the kind of thing Arminians are referring to when they say Calvinism ruins missions.
- Hmmm. According to a psychological study, Calvinists seem to be more traditional in their views than Arminians when it comes to issues of gender. Go figure.
- Another study concludes that there is a correlation between believing in penal substitution and complementarianism and being less concerned about suffering in the world. Those cold-hearted Calvinists!
- The Calvinist doctrine of unconditional election destroyed! After all, "all" means all, right?
- Steve Hays addresses points made by Greg Boyd regarding Calvinism.
- Suffering opens a door for the gospel.
- The irony of Princeton's Kuyper Prize controversy.
- Fred Clark imagines "how noir Calvinist theology can be," and introduces us to Augustine Frost, Calvinist detective.
- Apparently, those Calvinist Puritans who settled New England are influencing modern Republicans in their quest to kill 24 million people by taking away their health insurance. Or something like that.
- Roger Olson blasts Tim Challies (referring to him simply as "the Calvinist blogger") for criticizing a movie he hasn't seen. "Of course, I don't expect Calvinists to like the theology of [The Shack]," Olson writes, "but I do expect them to at least view it before talking about it." Never mind that Challies read the book and wrote an in-depth, 13-page review of it.
- An open letter to Martin Luther on the Gospel of James.
- The videos from Ligonier's 2017 conference are now available.
- Joshua Crutchfield won't let divisions within the SBC get in the way of unity and cooperation.
- We get grace, God gets glory.
- Dave Armstrong attempts to refute the doctrine of total depravity as taught by Calvinists like James White.
- Stephen Altrogge explains why he is a Calvinist.
- Confessions of a former "New Calvinist."
- Check out Ligonier's Facebook page for live videos and clips from their 2017 National Conference this weekend in Orlando.