- In an item I had missed last week, The National's Chris Bambery wrote an article comparing Scotland's 17th century Calvinists to modern Islamic terrorists (Daesh/ISIS): "But for all their heroism and sacrifice they were fighting for a land ruled by the Presbyterian elect – with no room for unbelievers. Their dream for Scotland was not so far from Daesh's for its Caliphate."
- Some of Bambery's readers voiced their frustration with the article.
- To get in the last word, Bambery responded to their responses:
Lastly, I am not going to debate theology with my critics but in response I cannot resist quoting a man from Fettercairn, Kincardine, who was threatened with excommunication in 1748.
He responded: “What care I? The Pope of Rome excommunicates you every year ... and what the waur are ye o' that?”
- Speaking of comparing Calvinists to terrorists, Andreas Whittam Smith believes the turmoil in the Middle East is no worse than what happened in Europe during the "era of Calvinism."
- Leighton Flowers thinks he has found a quandary in compatibilism: if God has ordained all things according to his unchangeable decree, then is he not restraining his own unchangeable decree every time he restrains evil?
- William Birch writes, "If God has decreed sin and evil, from before the world was created, then God is the worse (sic) sinner in the known universe." The only alternative I see is that God was powerless to prevent sin and evil from entering into the world. Which means what? That we have to choose between an evil God or a weak God?
Friday, December 18, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - December 12, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Why atheists are so frustrated
If I had to sum up, in a nutshell, why atheists always seem so frustrated, it would be this: Atheists live in a constant state of cognitive dissonance. How else can you describe a person who believes he has no beliefs, and that his denial of truth is true?
Case in point:
Case in point:
Monday, December 14, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - December 11, 2015
- Regarding 2 Peter 3:9, Jordan Cooper writes, "God's saving will embraces all of his creation. We thus affirm the Calvinistic belief monergism, while simultaneously affirming the Arminian commitment to universal grace."
- Calvinism obliterated? No, not really. It's the same arguments we've all heard before, but at least he puts a little effort into it.
- Unlike this KJV-only Baptist preacher. He attempts to refute Calvinism by showing that our doctrine "is a bunch of garbage. It's a bunch of hogwash for a bunch of lazy people that don't want to do anything for God."
- Tim Challies shares his top books of 2015.
- James White responds to Steve Hays's accusations regarding Islam. Looking back several years at how Mr. Hays was so gung ho about waging war in the Middle East and torturing Muslims in the name of "national security," I find myself less than sympathetic to his position.
Friday, December 04, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - December 4, 2015
- A member of a Pentacostal theology group on Facebook asks:
One problem with both arminianism and Calvinism is that one believes a loving God created man knowing most would burn in the lake of fire and the other believes he chooses people to burn eternally on the lake of fire. BUT what if the torment wasn't eternal? What if the JWs are right on that? What if it is the destruction of the being?
Or what if the Calvinists are right about compatibilism?
- Devin Logan of Newsmax lists three ways in which Calvinism has influenced American capitalism: 1) success as an indicator of character, 2) capitalist work ethic, and 3) mass incarceration. I'm surprised he didn't mention burning heretics at the stake.
- Plunge your mind into the ocean of God's sovereignty.
- Four steps toward joy in repentance.
- Quiet time doesn't earn God's grace.
- In a follow-up comment to his article about confronting the lunatic fringe of evangelicalism, Roger Olson clarifies that he does not "consider Calvinists our evangelical lunatic fringe." Whew! What a relief!
Friday, November 27, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - November 27, 2015
- Joel Tay thinks we should ease up on cage-stage Calvinists: "The zeal of those who are passionate about the gospel and the sovereignty of God is something to be commended and even encouraged." I have no doubt that some may be truly zealous for the gospel, but what may seem like zeal in many new Calvinists is little more than intellectual bravado. The trick is in knowing the difference.
- Austin Wartner preaches against Calvinism from John 3:16. Yeah, nothing new here. Same straw man arguments and confusion about what Calvinism actually teaches.
- Richard Bushey explains how Job answers the central objection to Calvinism.
- In the latest audio edition of The Berean Call newsletter, T. A. McMahon discusses the enigma of Calvinism in light of the fact that Augustine was a Catholic: "I cannot comprehend how any Bible-believing Christian can possible accept Calvin's view of predestination and God's sovereignty, which he took primarily from the writings of Saint Augustine."
- Jack Cottrell attempts to refute the Calvinistic interpretation of John 6:65, saying that there is a difference between how Jesus called the 12 disciples and how he calls men to salvation. And, because "we know that Judas defied and frustrated this desire (will) of Jesus," the Calvinistic interpretation can't possibly be correct.
- Gearing up for Christmas? Here are some new titles from Desiring God.
- This week's Free Stuff Fridays over at Challies.com is sponsored by CBD Reformed.
Friday, November 20, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - November 20, 2015
- Why am I always suspicious of those who claim to have "a more balanced view" than Calvinism or Arminianism?
- "Rev." Celia Hastings believes many people find Calvin's theology "abstract and confusing." She writes:
Perhaps the Bible's message of sin and salvation is easier to understand in shepherding terms. From this view the prophet Isaiah describes original sin: "All of us, like sheep, have gone astray; each of us goes our own way." A sheep goes its own way to its own peril. When a sheep falls on its back it is helpless to get up on its own. Left alone it will die within hours. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, searches for the fallen ones and restores them – and even gives his life for the sheep. Jesus' self-giving love shows the way to the great unity and peace of original Shalom.
So, Jesus died on the cross simply to show the way to peace? How about first looking at what Jesus had to say about who his sheep are? John 10:25-29 comes to mind.
- Steve Sewell goes after Calvinism's "unsound interpretation" of John 6.
- Let me get this straight. If we don't want to be labeled as liberals, then we must accept that true Calvinism is kinism. I am always saddened when racism rears its ugly head within Calvinist circles. It would be wise to steer clear of any group that says, "We affirm that all men, of every race, ethnicity, and tribe, are created in the image of God. However..."
- Tim Challies recommends a great way to get to know the book of Romans.
Friday, November 13, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - November 13, 2015
- Sam Waldron completes his series "21 Misunderstandings of Calvinism."
- According to Greg Boyd, Calvinism misses the point about salvation:
The Father "draws" people (or not) in response to their hearts. If a human heart is unwilling, however, it is hardened to God's leading and comes under the influence of Satan.
Sounds a lot to me like Boyd is saying man is ultimately in control of his own salvation.
God wants all to be saved and is working in every human heart to get each person to accept the Gospel. But people can and do resist God's influence and thwart his will for their lives (see e.g. Lk 7:30). When a heart has been successfully opened, however, God goes further and "draws" that person to Jesus Christ.
- Phillip Holmes discusses the mind-blowing grace of God.
- Andrew, of Beyond Calvinism, attempts to dismantle the Calvinist interpretation of Romans 9.
- Arminian William Birch sees a waning of Calvinism, which has historically seen periods of ebb and flow: "Arminianism, on the other hand, is not burdened with popularity and decline. Arminian theology, the theology of the early Church fathers, carries a perpetual flow, constantly, invariably present within the Church."
- On a "Radio Free Geneva" episode of The Dividing Line, James White responds to a sermon by Pastor Ronnie W. Rogers at Truett-McConnell College. Rogers's points are fleshed out in more detail here and here.
- Todd Still, dean of Baylor University's Truett Theological Seminary, doesn't want to see Calvinism dividing Baptist churches.
Friday, November 06, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - November 6, 2015
- Sam Waldron is already up to points 11, 12, and 13 of his series "21 Misunderstandings of Calvinism."
- A sermon series on the five fruits of Calvinism.
- Roger Olson takes issue with the idea that Arminians don't preach a "complete gospel":
All true, historical, classical Arminians, Arminians of the heart, whole heartily affirm that salvation is a free gift of God that cannot be earned or merited. Preaching that it must be freely accepted "by faith" (trust in Christ Jesus) and that it can be freely rejected, does nothing to lessen the completeness of the "by grace through faith" heart of the gospel—Calvinist objections notwithstanding.
- Author Joshua Guthman discusses his book about the Primitive Baptists.
- Get your Reformed gear at MissionalWear.com
Friday, October 30, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - October 30, 2015
- A.J. Castellitto comments on the liberal captivity of the Presbyterian Church: "Ultimately, the fallout and eventual schism was not born out of a debate between Calvinism and Arminianism, or the like; but rather, a humanistic rationalization of scriptures."
- Sam Waldron has begun a series of blog posts titled "21 Misunderstandings of Calvinism." Be sure to check back often for updates.
- Five points for all our fears.
- Available on Amazon.com: 12 classic works by John Calvin for free.
- Also available for free: The Bondage of the Will: A Modern English Abridgment.
- And don't forget all that free stuff from Tim Challies.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The story behind one of America's most endearing photographs
I've lived in Minnesota most of my life, and although I grew up seeing various versions of this iconic photograph, I never knew of its Minnesota origin:
Eric Enstrom was a Swedish American photographer who lived and worked in the mining town of Bovey. Around 1920 (some accounts date the event to 1918), an itinerant salesman named Charles Wilden visited his studio. Impressed by what he recognized as kindness in the man's face, Enstrom asked Wilden to pose for a picture. He had Wilden clasp his hands and bow his head, as in prayer, while seated at a table with an arrangement of household objects, including a book, a loaf of bread, and a bowl of soup. He called the photograph "Grace."Read the full article here.
Enstrom composed "Grace" to represent survival in the face of hardship. He later connected it to World War I and the heavy toll the trenches of Europe had taken on American lives, as well as the rationing faced by Minnesotans on the home front. In a 1961 interview, he explained his intention to capture an image that would inspire thankfulness in people who had endured privations during the war. By highlighting Wilden's devout posture and humble surroundings, he aimed to evoke the spirit of religious faith, thankfulness, and humility he associated with many of the newly arrived European immigrants to Minnesota.
Friday, October 23, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - October 23, 2015
- Dr. Rick Patrick has posted part 2 of his series on "Youth Targeted Calvinism."
- Some jokes, courtesy of the Nicene Nerd. Not all of them are about Calvinism.
- Christians never graduate from the gospel.
- Joyless Christianity? It's dangerous.
- A Reformed edition of Free Stuff Fridays over at Challies.com
Friday, October 16, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - October 16, 2015
- Do you have "adult onset Calvinism"? Know the early warning signs.
- Robert Pate has his mind made up: "It is not humanly possible to have faith in the mean, cruel, unjust, unrighteous God of Calvinism."
- As David Murray points out, there's more to Calvinism than TULIP.
- Murray also notes that there's more to the doctrines of grace than the doctrines of grace.
- He discusses three ways in which the doctrines of grace can be presented...
- ...and addresses five major distortions of Calvinism.
- Hip-hop artist Trip Lee talks about his journey towards the doctrines of grace.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
The Onion pretty much nails total depravity
![]() |
Billy Mumy stars as the depraved Anthony Fremont in "It's a Good Life," one of the best episodes of The Twilight Zone. |
According to renowned child psychologist Dr. Pritha Singh, author of Born Without Souls, diagnosing preadolecents as sociopaths is primarily a theoretical interest, as the disorder is considered untreatable.Of course, all unregenerate human beings are unrepentant sociopaths, which makes the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives all the more amazing.
“We’ve tried behavior modification therapies, but children actually learn from our techniques and become even more adept at manipulating others while concealing their shameless misanthropy,” Singh said. “Sadly, experience has taught us there is little hope for rehabilitation.”
“Just look at the way most adults act,” Singh added.
Friday, October 09, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - October 9, 2015
- Former Calvinist Austin Fischer, writing a guest post on Roger Olson's blog, admits that monergism may be true, but it isn't necesary:
Because when one realizes every creature—not to mention space-time itself!!!—is sustained, nanosecond by nanosecond, by the wild and unconditioned generosity of God, monergism is simply unnecessary. It might still be true, but it is not necessary. The infinite God, Being behind all being, does not need monergism to protect his glory.
- In response to a question about Lutheranism, Calvinism, and the Renaissance, a teacher writes:
The Reformation remains one of the most important developments in history, and its occurrence during the years of the Renaissance was no accident. Luther and Calvin did not so much respond to the challenges of the Renaissance as they exploited it for their own purposes, irrespective of how one views the split of the Church into two major halves.
- Jamaican journalist Ian Boyne finds Calvinism to be "intellectually revolting and repulsive," especially the belief that the unsaved will suffer eternal, conscious torment: "Calvinists, particularly, have no qualms about teaching the doctrine of an ever-burning hell. In fact, they would be quite offended at my temerity in questioning this 'clear biblical truth.'" Offended? No. Saddened? Yes.
- Joel Beeke, president of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, thinks evangelicals today would do well to learn from the Reformers and Puritans: "They consistently aim to apply the Word of God to the heart, and yet do so by illuminating the mind and addressing the conscience with the claims of truth."
- Can a sound biblical theology be maintained without Calvinism? Dr. Tom Nettles writes, "Though the human heart can pervert any system of thought, the non-Calvinist system in its emphasis on heightening human autonomy and diminishing divine efficiency creates wider berths for deception about the character of salvation."
- "As a very young Christian," writes Mark Shea, "I had just had my first taste of the destructive power of Calvinism and its cold diagrammatic god that might or might not love you depending on whether he felt like capriciously damning you."
Saturday, October 03, 2015
Friday, October 02, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - October 2, 2015
- How do we know that Calvinists are not Christians? Because the Bible tells us that heretics are not saved. Um...yeah.
- Sheldon Long wants you to watch four videos that purport to expose Calvinism as error. Nothing new here.
- According to Jennie M. Xue of Singapore, non-Christian Indonesians may be confused "as to why the U.S., as a country established on the spirit of Christianity, does not reflect the [economic] values urged by the Pope." The reason? Calvinism, of course.
- Joel Watts responds to Charles Spurgeon's claim that "Calvinism is the gospel":
There is no greater sin than that which is exemplified by Spurgeon, who would set aside the Gospel of Jesus preached for 1500 years before Calvin and without Calvinism and to reject everything else but Calvinism as a sign of the Gospel. This requires a self-delusion so powerful that it cannot help but prove absolute depravity.
That quote from Spurgeon comes from "A Defense of Calvinism." Perhaps Mr. Watts should take time to read the entire thing rather than create a straw man argument based on one sentence.
- Dr. Rick Patrick expresses his concern about "Youth Targeted Calvinism." Yes, we have to keep our children safe from preying Calvinists. We wouldn't want them turning out to be like John Piper, R. C. Sproul, or even Charles Spurgeon.
- Dr. James White responds to Dr. Patrick in the first part of the Oct. 1 episode of The Dividing Line.
Friday, September 25, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - September 25, 2015
- Unlock God's storehouse of grace.
- Russell Moore discusses the difference between being offended and being persecuted.
- Leighton Flowers joins Matt Slick on the Bible-Thumping Wingnut podcast.
- James White on why he travels overseas to teach.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Biblical response to 'I'm a Christian, but I'm not...' video
Dr. Bobby Conway (a.k.a the "One Minute Apologist") offers a biblical response to the popular BuzzFeed video:
Christian Values,
Friday, September 18, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - September 18, 2015
- Discussed on Apologia Radio: Debating Calvinism and resisting tyrants
- Calvin Dude explains why he believes Calvinism is right.
- Sheila Kennedy knows nothing about Calvinism, yet she lays the blame for America's treatment of the poor (exemplified by our less-than-stellar public transit system) at Calvin's feet.
- Calvinism's foundational experience.
- Josh Squires discusses five ways to go from head knowledge to heart application.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Gospel-singing brothers on Family Feud
I don't watch Family Feud, and I had never heard of the Wardlaw Brothers before, but I really enjoyed this...
Friday, September 11, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - September 11, 2015
- Get Spurgeon's All of Grace and the expanded edition of Revival Year Sermons in ebook form, free from Monergism.
- Unconditional election means you can't try out for God's team. Thankfully, God's choice isn't based on our performance or skill.
- Kyle Roberts wrties, "The 'Calvinist Trap' is this: When it comes to every single instance of human suffering, tragedy, trauma, and evil, the Calvinist—to be consistent—must affirm that God is always actively and causally involved." He continues: "Attributing every single event of history to active, intentional, divine causation makes it nearly impossible (if not entirely) to separate evil from good, God from the devil, or even right from wrong." Sounds like someone has bee reading Roger Olson.
- Celia M. Hastings doesn't like "beginning any theology with 'total depravity' or 'worm theology.' Theology should begin where Scripture begins—with a vast, wise and wonderful creation in perfect ecological and spiritual balance." Yes. A vast, wise and wonderful creation that was corrupted by sin and is now in need of redemption.
- Friday means more free stuff, courtesy of Tim Challies.
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
An atheist voices support for Kim Davis
Well, not so much support for Kim Davis as disdain for the government responsible for locking her up.
Libertarian atheist Stephen Molyneux has never been shy when it comes to criticizing Christianity, but he does admire people who remain true to their convictions. His personal beliefs and anti-Christian worldview aside, I can appreciate his position on this issue, and I think some of the points he makes are more insightful than many I have heard from Christians. Take a look:
Libertarian atheist Stephen Molyneux has never been shy when it comes to criticizing Christianity, but he does admire people who remain true to their convictions. His personal beliefs and anti-Christian worldview aside, I can appreciate his position on this issue, and I think some of the points he makes are more insightful than many I have heard from Christians. Take a look:
Sunday, September 06, 2015
Hillary Clinton praised in her very own 'gospel' song
"Woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Hillary!"
Sickening, but par for the course.
Sickening, but par for the course.
Friday, September 04, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - September 4, 2015
- It's ignorance like this that keeps me away from theological discussion forums.
- The Wall Street Journal reviews Inherit the Holy Mountain by Mark R. Stoll, who links Calvinism with environmentalism.
- God's big work and your little mission.
- Joel McDurmon addresses the case of the county clerk jailed for refusing to issue same-sex "marriage" licenses: "Kim Davis is doing what every Christian magistrate should."
Thursday, September 03, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - August 28, 2015
- Due to financial difficulties, the International Mission Board of the SBC is poised to cut 600 to 800 missionaries and staff. Surely we can look forward to a Patheos article blaming it on "anti-mission" Calvinists.
- Arthur Sido has an interesting perspective on the issue.
- A list of new and notable books, courtesy of Tim Challies.
- Pastor Craig Ireland preaches on total depravity. I don't know why, but the doctrines of grace just sound more believable when preached in an Australian accent.
- Fasting for beginners.
- Yes, Ashley Madison, life is short. But instead of having an affair, why not love your spouse?
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Romans 1:28
What else is there to say upon seeing a gay "marriage" proposal taking place in a "church" service?
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - August 21, 2015
- It seems you can thank Calvinism for America's love of landscape art.
- At the same time, you can blame Calvinism for America's less-than-stellar public transit system—you know, because Calvinists hate poor people.
- How close does Wesley come to Calvinism?
- Tim Challies begins a series of posts as he reads through J. I. Packer's Knowing God.
- What is "cage stage" Calvinism, and what causes it? R. C. Sproul Jr. answers.
Friday, August 14, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - August 14, 2015
- In the first lecture in his series "Calvinism and the Christian Life," Ian Hamilton introduces us to John Calvin.
- Calvinism and the problem of evil.
- Leighton Flowers critiques Tim Keller's Calvinistic sermon on Romans 8.
- John Piper address the question, "Do we have to enjoy God to believe?"
- An excerpt from the New Calvinist Bible (NCB). It's an Arminian attempt at satire, rewriting passages of scripture in the way they think Calvinists read it. (You know, instead of just reading the plain language that's already there.)
Thursday, August 13, 2015
The over-intellectualizing of the Calvinist mind
Roger Olson discusses Christian anti-intellectualism in an article titled "Whatever Happened to the Christian Mind?" He writes:
Then, of course, there is the opposite end of the spectrum.
The problem I have noticed in some Calvinist circles is over-intellectualizing. Let's be honest. Calvinism has a certain intellectual appeal that can sometimes cause us to focus on stimulating the brain at the expense of nurturing the soul. I confess that there have been times in my walk with Christ during which I was more drawn to theological discussions, books, web sites, and podcasts than God's word.
"Hey! Look at me! I'm learning new and wonderful things! Now let's see how many others I can convince of the doctrines of grace!"
If only more of us were just as passionate about the gospel.
This is not to disparage the desire to learn and expand our minds. After all, Christ himself commanded us to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37).
Let's strive to find a healthy balance. If those books and podcasts we love so much don't cause us to develop a deeper thirst for the scriptures, then perhaps they have become little more than unhealthy distractions. Peter encouraged believers to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18), and while that doesn't mean we can't partake in a little intellectual stimulation, we must realize there is no substitute for the word of God.
The problem is not just one of ignorance as in "not knowing facts." That's bad enough. Too many Christians, including conservative-evangelical Christians, don't even know the Bible. How many can even find a book, chapter and verse in the Bible without being told the "page number in the pew Bible?" No, the larger problem is confusion of the Christian story with other stories. We live in a pluralistic culture and I celebrate that. But I also celebrate Christians in this pluralistic culture knowing and understanding their own story—the story of God and us told in the Bible.He has a point. The problem with many churches is that they lack an intellectual and intelligent approach to scripture, where members of congregations are treated as if even the simplest of theological concepts are beyond their ability to grasp. I've been in churches where the sermons consist mostly of life lessons, illustrations, and humorous anecdotes, as if diving in and actively drawing out what God's word actually teaches would cause mass confusion. While Dr. Olson may not agree, I believe that anti-intellectualism is one of the trappings of Arminianism.
Then, of course, there is the opposite end of the spectrum.
The problem I have noticed in some Calvinist circles is over-intellectualizing. Let's be honest. Calvinism has a certain intellectual appeal that can sometimes cause us to focus on stimulating the brain at the expense of nurturing the soul. I confess that there have been times in my walk with Christ during which I was more drawn to theological discussions, books, web sites, and podcasts than God's word.
"Hey! Look at me! I'm learning new and wonderful things! Now let's see how many others I can convince of the doctrines of grace!"
If only more of us were just as passionate about the gospel.
This is not to disparage the desire to learn and expand our minds. After all, Christ himself commanded us to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37).
Let's strive to find a healthy balance. If those books and podcasts we love so much don't cause us to develop a deeper thirst for the scriptures, then perhaps they have become little more than unhealthy distractions. Peter encouraged believers to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18), and while that doesn't mean we can't partake in a little intellectual stimulation, we must realize there is no substitute for the word of God.
Friday, August 07, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - August 7, 2015
- Did God betray you in your suffering?
- James White reviews Bruxy Cavey's comments on monergism, synergism, prevenient grace, and the like.
- Four ways to respond to Planned Parenthood.
- According to Last of Days Ministry, Calvinism is an unscriptural doctrine that "states you are either born saved or you are born damned." Note to Last of Days Ministry and other Independent Fundamental Baptist KJV-Only types: The purpose of setting up a straw man argument is so that you can easily debunk it. When you can't even debunk your own straw man argument...well, that kind of says a lot about your position.
Friday, July 31, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - July 31, 2015
- Calvin and (Herschel) Hobbs.
- Ian Hamilton describes how he first learned of God's sovereignty in salvation.
- Tim Challies invites you to join him in reading a modern classic: Knowing God, by J. I. Packer.
- In the most recent edition of The Dividing Line, James White responds to Dr. Michael Cox's article (linked to last week) "Is Calvinism Spiritual Racism?"
- Free ebook by J. C. Ryle from Monergism.
Friday, July 24, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - July 24, 2015
- Are you a superstitious Calvinist?
- Can you lose your salvation? Moody Radio hosts a discussion between Moody Bible Professor Bryan Litfin and Brian Shelton (no relation) of Toccoa Falls College.
- According to Dr. Michael Cox, "Calvinism is the dogma of spiritual determinism characterized by spiritual superiority." As far as he is concerned, it "is nothing short of baptized racism."
- If you have always read 1 Corinthians 2 through a Calvinistic lens, Leighton Flowers sets you straight.
- Bethel University boasts a "genuine, intellectually robust community" of students. "And when they're not engaged in a theological debate about Calvinism and Arminianism, maybe they'll meet someone special."
- John Piper begins a six-part video series on joy, based on the book of Philippians.
Friday, July 17, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - July 17, 2015
- Find out why academic Calvinism is a misnomer in this excerpt from Ian Hamilton's new teaching series "Calvinism and the Christian Life."
- Here's what's available from Ligonier Ministries on today's $5 Friday.
- Is your joy real?
- According to HuffPo's Bob Burnett, proponents of the culture war aren't Christians. "They are members of a sect, 'American Calvinism.'" These "'orthodox Christians' are intolerant and uncharitable. They embrace capitalism at all costs."
- Tim Challies reviews Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney.
- Dr. Jim Newheiser discusses seven gospel-centered principles for protecting your marriage.
Friday, July 10, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - July 10, 2015
- The "bear truth" about Calvinism?
- 10 distinguishing marks of John Calvin's preaching.
- Is limited atonement Calvinism's closet heresy? "My name is Caleb, and I used to be a Calvinist." You can kind of predict where this blog post is going.
- J. D. Hall on the stages of grief of Calvinism.
- Blessed without assurance.
Friday, June 26, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - June 26, 2015
- Jonathan Merritt interviews Barnabas Piper about his new book Help My Unbelief: Why Doubt Is Not the Enemy of Faith.
- John Piper on the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex "marriage."
- Doug Wilson's response.
- I'm not sure what immigration has to do with Calvinism, but Keith Preston writes, "[T]he possible dilution of WASPish American culture with its Calvinist roots" isn't a reason to criticize immigration from Latin America.
- Big giveaway from Banner of Truth: a set of Puritan paperbacks, a multi-volume commentary on Romans, and Spurgeon's Lectures to my Students.
Friday, June 19, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - June 12, 2015
- Calvinism is not new to Baptists. In fact, "Calvinists once dominated Baptist church life in America."
- Ben Witherington is beginning a series of blog posts on Jacob Arminius. His reason: "Especially in the wake of the recent resurgence of certain very conservative kinds of Reformed thinking in America ... it is a good time to take a careful look once more at Arminius and his heirs."
- Roger Olson on prevenient grace:
There are hints here and there in Arminius that he wanted to believe God is an equal opportunity savior, but I’m not convinced he really believed that. This is a point of difference among Arminians. Some (e.g., Wesley) believe God is an equal opportunity savior; others believe prevenient grace is attached to the gospel message and its communication (even if that happens sometimes supernaturally via angels or whatever). I do not think Arminius or any classical Arminian would say prevenient grace is given only to those God foreknows will respond positively to the gospel.
- Mark Jones discusses New Calvinism, Trinitarian worship, and American Flags.
- According to The Washington Post, American environmentalism has its roots in Calvinist churches.
Friday, June 12, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - June 12, 2015
- Enter to win a set of Calvin and Spurgeon mugs.
- According to one blogger, Ann Coulter isn't promoting white racism; she's promoting Calvinism. After all, protecting white American culture "is what calvinism (sic) is all about."
- How did anti-Calvinist pastors publicize their straw man attacks before YouTube?
- John Piper on the mystery of election.
- James White responds to Dr. Drew.

Friday, June 05, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - June 5, 2015
- Talking Calvinism with Robert H. Schuller.
- David Schrock discusses two common misunderstandings about Calvinism in Baptist history: 1) five-point Calvinists are hyper-Calvinists and 2) Calvinism is incompatible with Baptist doctrine.
- An atheist begins a video series reading through and reviewing The Defense of the Faith by Cornelius Van Til.
- Sinclair Ferguson on the doxological nature of Calvinism.
- John Piper on real Christian unity.
Friday, May 29, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - May 29, 2015
- Does God really love you? Ed Welch discusses suffering.
- Roger Olson sets the record straight on the Arminian doctrine of justification.
- Is it possible to believe the promises of God, and have the assurance of salvation, and yet be lost forever? Yes. Pastor John Piper explains.
- Tim Challies asks some questions of (the other) Pastor John.
- One ChristianForums.com member asks, "Would you expose an unbeliever or a recently converted Christian (babe in Christ) to calvinism?" You mean, would I share the gospel and encourage him to read the Bible? Yes.
Friday, May 22, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - May 22, 2015
- It seems we Calvinists follow a God who is "false, capricious, and arbitrary." So says Tim Alleman, a guy who sounds like he has never spoken to a Calvinist in his life. Please, if someone can make sense of his rambling, let me know.
- Identifying marks of New Calvinism, according to Gary Gilley at SharperIron.org
- Henry Volk isn't a Calvinist, but he thinks "we can expect more good things from the New Calvinism. God willing, it may even be the savior of American Christianity."
- Eight features of the best kind of Calvinism.
- Jesus poured out his joy for you.
Friday, May 15, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - May 15, 2015
- Calvinism is a "mental disorder." Whew! Now that I know what's wrong with me, I can get some help.
- "John 6:44 does not prove Calvinism." As this video demonstrates, anything can be refuted if you completely reinterpret scripture.
- I'm sorry, but when you make passing comments like, "Cromwell's semi-genocidal rampage through Ireland in the name of a Calvinist deity may have killed around 40% of the Gaels," it's hard to take anything else you say seriously, no matter what the topic may be.
- When God interrupts your plans.
- The recent debate on Romans 9 between James White and Leighton Flowers has been posted.
- And, of course, don't forget your free stuff.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Crossway introduces the new ESV Following Jesus Bible
The ESV Following Jesus Bible is full of outstanding content designed to help children understand and enjoy the Bible. Designed for children ages 8–12 as they transition from a beginner's Bible, nearly every other page features a box answering the who, what, where, when, or why of a particular text. "Seeing Jesus" sections explain how certain Bible passages point to Christ and "Following Jesus" sections connect the Bible with the hearts and lives of young readers.Learn more here.
Additional content includes book introductions, a glossary, Old and New Testament timeline art, and kid-friendly maps. "God's Word for Me When..." and "God's Word for Me About..." pages also help orient kids to key Scriptures on various topics.
The ESV Following Jesus Bible will strengthen children in their faith and teach them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
Friday, May 08, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - May 8, 2015
- Simmons College of Kentucky has formed ties with the Kentucky Baptist Fellowship. Its president, Kevin Cosby, welcomed the union because he was concerned about the introduction of Calvinism into his community. According to KBF interim coordinator Chris Sanders, "He sees the strain of Calvinism some are trying to plant there as harmful, as it makes people fatalistic and docile, the antithesis of African-American empowerment He is opposed to all forms of discrimination, be it race, gender or sexual orientation."
- Huh???
- David Mathis of Desiring God writes, "While the issue of online access to porn may be new to this generation — and progressively devastating to those who were exposed to it younger — the invitation to repentance from besetting sin is gloriously ancient."
- Doug Wilson shares his observations on the Baltimore riots.
- Free stuff? Sure. Who doesn't like free stuff?
Friday, May 01, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - May 1, 2015
- Peter Lumpkins asks, "[I]s there any great wonder there arose the continued objection that strict Calvinism appears to project some sort of theistic fatalism?"
- I wish Roger Olson would just come out and admit that he thinks most (if not all) Calvinists are "irrational, unteachable Christians."
- James White finishes up his review of David Gushee's "Reformation Project" presentation on (and endorsement of) homosexuality.
- God's will isn't always clear. Jon Bloom explains why.
- A very short prayer for your dullest days.
- As always on Friday, more free stuff from Tim Challies.
Friday, April 24, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - April 24, 2015
- Calvinism refuted. *Sigh* Again.
- Calvinism cannot be true because damnation is infinitely evil. Wait...what?
- Atheists love to make moral arguments about God. Regarding these moral arguments, atheist Reddit user Terraplanetommy notes, "I've never really come across one that can't be jettisoned in favor of the calvinst (sic) viewpoint of god (sic)."
- Roger Olson praises the book Grace for All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation, calling it "a welcome addition to contemporary Arminian literature." It's the book about which Terry L. Miethe, former dean of the Oxford Study Centre, said, "I cannot think of a more dangerous unbiblical teaching than Calvinism! I recommend this book highly." Looks like a must-read.
- A brief review of the booklet What is Experiential Calvinism? from Pastor Dave.
- Regarding the purpose and goal of debating and challenging Calvinism, Arminian William Birch writes:
We believe that Calvinism is error. But we can in no sense whatsoever know objectively if this is God's absolute truth -- that Calvinism objectively is, in fact, error. We must, in humility, confess that we believe that Calvinism is in error, and that Arminian theology rightly divides the word of God's truth, while also declaring the possibility that we could be wrong. Therefore we do not seek for Calvinism to be entirely eradicated, even if, at the same time, we seek to challenge its assertions and limit its converts. Because if Calvinism is true, and we are, in our fallen state, blind to its truths, then to eradicate Calvinism altogether would be to eradicate the truth of God's word. Therefore we seek God's truth, God's glory, and, of course, a most diverse unity among all believers.
Well said.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
'Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth'
Hymn-writer Keith Getty gives us five reasons why we should all sing loudly in church.
1. We are commanded to sing.
Paul commands believers in Ephesians 5 to "be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart." Throughout scripture, we can see that singing was a part of everyday life.
2. Singing together completes our joy.
Part of our joy as followers of Christ comes from the privilege of sharing with others. What better way to share that joy than to join together in song?
3. Singing is an expression of brotherhood and unites generations.
People from all tongues and nations singing together gives us a small glimpse of what Heaven must be like.
4. We are what we sing.
Singing affects all parts of our lives. We even set scripture verses to music to help us memorize them.
5. Singing bears testimony to our faith.
A group of believers singing together is a powerful witness to others.
I encourage you to read the full article here.
1. We are commanded to sing.
Paul commands believers in Ephesians 5 to "be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart." Throughout scripture, we can see that singing was a part of everyday life.
2. Singing together completes our joy.
Part of our joy as followers of Christ comes from the privilege of sharing with others. What better way to share that joy than to join together in song?
3. Singing is an expression of brotherhood and unites generations.
People from all tongues and nations singing together gives us a small glimpse of what Heaven must be like.
4. We are what we sing.
Singing affects all parts of our lives. We even set scripture verses to music to help us memorize them.
5. Singing bears testimony to our faith.
A group of believers singing together is a powerful witness to others.
I encourage you to read the full article here.
Monday, April 20, 2015
What it means every time you say, 'There should be a law...'
The problem with our political system is that people no longer view the government as the protector of life, liberty, and property. They vote to use the government (and its guns) to force their will on others. Just because you use a ballot instead of a bullet doesn't make it right.
Friday, April 17, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - April 17, 2015
- Does Calvinism discourage evangelism? What do you think?
- According to Roger Olson, hyper-Calvinism is consistent Calvinism. I know. Big surprise.
- Erik Raymond on faithfully delivering the gospel.
- When Spurgeon almost quit.
- Regarding how Calvinism makes a practical difference in his life, Steve Matthews writes:
Knowing that it is God who elects, that he is the potter and I am the clay, makes it much easier to have compassion on a fellow sinner than if I believed I was saved because some superior wisdom, intelligence or goodness inherent in me. For then I would have something in which I could boast before God. It is the Calvinist who can say with Paul, "But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Galatians 6:14). To God alone be the glory.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
The greatest book on oxymorons in the world
I don't know about the "truth" part, but if you like your eschatology laid out in numerous lengthy, complicated charts, then this is the book for you:
Friday, April 10, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - April 10, 2015
- One thing Paul learned when traveling to Amsterdam was that the early "Dutch Calvinists were not much interested in persecuting non-Calvinists, especially Catholics."
- Dale Tuggy interviews Dr. Oliver Crisp on libertarian Calvinism and universalism.
- Rich Davis renders the words of Jesus in John 3:16 in a way that he believes "avoids the tragedy of reducing the gospel—the good news to 'be preached in the whole world' (Matthew 24:14)—to an empty tautology."
- In his endless personal crusade against Calvinism, William Birch asks, "Is the Gospel necessary to salvation in a Calvinistic worldview? The answer is clear: No." Yes, all us good Calvinists have Romans 1:16 crossed out in our Bibles.
- Pastor Ronnie Rogers thinks the Calvinist "good faith offer" of the gospel is a "bad deception" (part 1, part 2).
Friday, April 03, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - April 3, 2015
- When you wish to hold God to the same moral standards as fallen human beings, you may reach the same conclusions as Roger Olson.
- John Piper on Christ's weeping over Jerusalem upon his triumphal entry:
This sovereign Christ weeps over the hard-hearted, perishing people of Jerusalem as they fulfilled his plan. It is unbiblical and wrong to make the tears of mercy a contradiction to the serenity of sovereignty. Jesus was serene in sorrow, and sorrowful in sovereignty. Jesus’s tears are the tears of sovereign mercy.
- James White responds to the charge that he is a hyper-Calvinist.
- Regarging the latest book from Jerry Walls, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, John Mark N. Reynolds cautions, "If you are a Calvinist, you will find Walls' book rough going." You think?
- The Contemporary Calvinist now has his own Twitter account, @ContempoCalvin. I would ask you to choose to follow, but...well, you know.
"It is finished" was the cry of One making salvation a reality, not just a possibility. Soli Deo Gloria!
— Contempo Calvinist (@ContempoCalvin) April 3, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - March 27, 2015
- The reason Roger Olson believes that "Calvinism makes God morally monstrous" is that if God even passes over certain people when he could save them, "then God is not good in any meaningful sense." As usual, Olson avoids explaining why his theology isn't subject to the same criticism by saying he has written on this issue before. However, he does say regarding the reprobate that "[God's] knowledge corresponds to their free choices." Olson even quotes C. S. Lewis. And who are we to argue with a guy who can quote C. S. Lewis?
- "Modified" Arminian James Goetz goes a step further. He believes in "restricted free will" and "conditional universalism," saying "that God never ceases to reach out to humans regardless of death." And he brings up a good point. If Arminians like Roger Olson believe that God "desires all people to be saved" (1 Timothy 2:4), why should a minor inconvenience like physical death get in the way of that?
- Kyle Dillon has created a "quick and easy" chart on two kingdoms theology and neo-Calvinism. What do you think of his comparisons?
- In reviewing Nancy Pearcey's book Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes, John Mark N. Reynolds writes, "Anyone who tells you that you do not have free will deserves being ignored." He later qualifies that by saying, "Pearcey rightly notes that even Calvinism does not deny human free will, just free will in regard to salvation."
- We now know the reason why a new Calvinist tends to be so aggressive. It's because when an Arminian comes along and uses the Bible to shoots holes in his theology, the "Calvinist has to choose between the Bible or their new found worldview." Thankfully, most of us eventually learn to explain and rationalize our way around passages like John 3:16, 1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9, and Ezekiel 33:11.
- If there is any "choice" in Calvinism, Rich Davis doesn't see it.
- Ian Clary responds.
- Four lessons from a Calvinist slave.
Friday, March 20, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - March 20, 2015
- More historical reflections from Dr. Robert Hughes on Calvinism and Southern Baptists. Ever heard of Servetus?
- Dr. Hughes reflects some more: "I don't think I would have enjoyed being around John Calvin. I think I'd probably feel that, behind his polite smile and bulging eyeballs, he was sniffing the scent of free-thinking upon me." Brace yourself. Part four is coming soon.
- Dominic Bnonn Tennant cuts through the thorny problem of Calvinism and evangelism.
- Your joy rests on Christ's righteousness.
- New and notable books.
- Coming soon: Calvinism debate between James White and Leighton Flowers.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - March 13, 2015
- Sweetly devastated by grace.
- R. C. Sproul on "cage-stage Calvinism."
- Dr. Robert Hughes offers historical reflections on Calvinism and Southern Baptists.
- James White refutes the a-contextualizing of John 6 by Leighton Flowers.
- If you're still having trouble pronouncing "Calvinism"...well, here you go.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
'I Am the Very Model of a Biblical Philologist'
About the only line I understood was, "And proved the Philistines were almost certainly Canadian." Still, I thought this was pretty funny.
(via Dave Black Online)
(via Dave Black Online)
Friday, March 06, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - March 6, 2015
- Dr. Malcolm Hester concludes his examination of the two pillars of Calvinism: "God is sovereign and man is responsible because he is free to accept or deny God’s will. It is not an attack on God’s sovereignty for God to grant limited freedom to mankind."
- David Bishop decries "tolerant Calvinists" like James White, R. C. Sproul, John MacArthur, John Piper, Paul Washer, and Matthew McMahon for spreading the "heresy" of Lordship salvation.
- Concerning those "crusty Calvinists."
- The folks at Mortification of Spin interview Tom Ascol about Calvinism in the SBC.
- Dave Jenkins discusses Spurgeon, inerrancy, and what we still need today.
- Speaking of the Prince of Preachers, John Piper has written a new book, titled Charles Spurgeon: Preaching Through Adversity.
Thursday, March 05, 2015
A Reformed Libertarian perspective on the theonomy debate
C. Jay Engel and Brandon Adams of Reformed Libertarian provides an in-depth analysis of the recent theonomy debate between J. D. Hall and Joel McDurmon. One highlight:
Israel was not like every other nation – not then, not now. Israel was a type of the church. It’s land was a type of the new earth. Israel was a holy nation, unique from all others. They were not a model for other nations to follow. They were a shadow of the eschatological Kingdom of Christ (they were not themselves the Kingdom of Christ). Their nation represented an “intrusion ethic” from the eschaton. Sin was not allowed in this holy land because God’s presence dwelt there externally.Read the full analysis here.
They were to “purge the evil from their midst” because the land itself was holy, set apart by God. No land today is holy land. The new earth will be holy, and as such, no sin can remain. Thus all sin will receive its just wages. Israel’s civil laws were a foretaste, a shadow of this final judgment. The most extreme outward sins were punished with death. The purpose of this was not to set a standard for all nations to follow. The purpose, just as Israel’s purpose as a whole, was a ministry of condemnation. It was to teach us how much God hates sin.
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Watch the entire theonomy debate between J. D. Hall and Joel McDurmon
You can watch the debate between J. D. Hall and Joel McDurmon on the resolution "Mosaic civil laws are obligatory for civil governments today." One question I wish would have been addressed: Is civil government itself obligatory?
Friday, February 27, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - February 27, 2015
- Bruce wants to see "a free training piece churches can use to help people identify a handful of the more common things they will hear that stem from Calvinist theology"...because, you know, typing "Calvinist theology" into Google can be complicated.
- Dr. Malcolm Hester, pastor and adjunct professor at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College in Pineville, Kentucky, tries to knock down the "two pillars of Calvinism": divine sovereignty and human inability.
- A very brief review of Randy Alcorn's book Hand in Hand: Beauty of God's Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice.
- Yet another "sermon" on the errors of Calvinism. Makes you wonder what some of these pastors would preach on if it weren't for that guy who killed Servetus.
- How can we know that the Bible is true?
Monday, February 23, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - February 20, 2015
- In part 3 of his series "Pacesetters of Anglican Protestantism," Roger Salter writes:
Calvinism can attract the bully boys and the arrogant who like to associate themselves with the divine supremacy and omnipotence as a license for their bad behavior, but that is the fault of human pride that pollutes everything it touches, even the most hallowed things of God (biblical and sacred history reveals this vile tendency in abundance), but the doctrine of election, grasped within the limits of its Scriptural enunciation, is testimony to the invincible power of divine love and its triumph over resolute rebellion. Let us bless God that he overcomes our suicidal unwillingness.
- In Roger Olson's opinion, "hyper-Calvinism (of the Hoeksema variety) is consistent Calvinism," which is why he suspects "that a great deal of Calvinist success in evangelism and missions is due to the fact that many Calvinists offer the gospel and salvation in a manner inconsistent with their own theology."
- Should Arminianism or Calvinism be an issue for unity?
- Sin: Can't live with it, won't live without it.
- Philosophy meets Neo-Calvinism.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Russell Moore vs. Roy Moore: Whose law?
"For the LORD is our judge; the LORD is our lawgiver; the LORD is our king; he will save us."
- Isaiah 33:22
Ours is no longer a nation of laws. Individual judges long ago assumed the power to impose their will on the public, and that is exactly what Judge Ginny Granade of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama did last month. On January 23, Granade ruled that the Alabama
Sanctity of Marriage Amendment and the Alabama Marriage Protection Act are "unconstitutional on Equal Protection and Due Process Grounds." She further ordered Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange not to enforce those laws, which simply asserted that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in turn ordered probate judges in the state to ignore Granade's ruling. His reasoning was grounded in the fact that the ruling only applied to Attorney General Strange, and since probate judges are the ones charged with issuing marriage licences, the constitutional ban on same-sex "marriage" remained intact. Besides, the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled that marriage is a state issue, and since the people of Alabama had already spoken, the issue was settled.
Russell D. Moore disagrees. He thinks Chief Justice Moore should either comply with Judge Granade or resign. In a written statement released to Baptist Press, he said:
On one hand, a federal judge has single-handedly nullified Alabama's state constitution on a whim. On the other hand, a State Supreme Court justice has sworn to uphold that same constitution. In addition, nothing in the U.S. Constitution grants federal judges the power to strike down state laws. (I know that kind of talk is considered heresy today, but these United States were once considered "free and independent.") So, which is the more legitimate law?
In regard to Judge Granade's ruling, Russell Moore would like to see Roy Moore "resign and protest against it as a citizen." Well, Judge Moore is already a citizen. As chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, he is in a much better position to protest against unlawful judicial decisions, protecting those within his jurisdiction against an overreaching authority who would order others to do what God forbids.
God's law remains in effect. It would seem to me that the more legitimate law in the civil realm, the law to be obeyed, is the one under which "rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad" (Romans 13:3).
- Isaiah 33:22
Ours is no longer a nation of laws. Individual judges long ago assumed the power to impose their will on the public, and that is exactly what Judge Ginny Granade of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama did last month. On January 23, Granade ruled that the Alabama
Sanctity of Marriage Amendment and the Alabama Marriage Protection Act are "unconstitutional on Equal Protection and Due Process Grounds." She further ordered Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange not to enforce those laws, which simply asserted that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in turn ordered probate judges in the state to ignore Granade's ruling. His reasoning was grounded in the fact that the ruling only applied to Attorney General Strange, and since probate judges are the ones charged with issuing marriage licences, the constitutional ban on same-sex "marriage" remained intact. Besides, the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled that marriage is a state issue, and since the people of Alabama had already spoken, the issue was settled.
Russell D. Moore disagrees. He thinks Chief Justice Moore should either comply with Judge Granade or resign. In a written statement released to Baptist Press, he said:
As citizens and as Christians, our response should be one of both conviction and of respect for the rule of law (1 Peter 2:13; Romans 13). Our system of government does not allow a state to defy the law of the land.While Russell Moore would argue Romans 13 dictates that the chief justice should submit to the governing authority, Roy Moore, as a sitting judge, is also a governing authority. The question then arises: which "law of the land" is to be obeyed?
In a Christian ethic, there is a time for civil disobedience in cases of unjust laws. That's why, for instance, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. went to jail. In the case of judges and state Supreme Court justices, though, civil disobedience, even when necessary, cannot happen in their roles as agents of the state. Religious freedom and conscience objections must be balanced with a state's obligation to discharge the law. We shouldn't have officials breaking the law, but civil servants don't surrender their conscience simply by serving in government. While these details are being worked out, in the absence of any conscience protections, a government employee faced with a decision of violating his conscience or upholding the law, would need to resign and protest against it as a citizen if he could not discharge the duties of his office required by law in good conscience.
On one hand, a federal judge has single-handedly nullified Alabama's state constitution on a whim. On the other hand, a State Supreme Court justice has sworn to uphold that same constitution. In addition, nothing in the U.S. Constitution grants federal judges the power to strike down state laws. (I know that kind of talk is considered heresy today, but these United States were once considered "free and independent.") So, which is the more legitimate law?
In regard to Judge Granade's ruling, Russell Moore would like to see Roy Moore "resign and protest against it as a citizen." Well, Judge Moore is already a citizen. As chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, he is in a much better position to protest against unlawful judicial decisions, protecting those within his jurisdiction against an overreaching authority who would order others to do what God forbids.
God's law remains in effect. It would seem to me that the more legitimate law in the civil realm, the law to be obeyed, is the one under which "rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad" (Romans 13:3).
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Why I can't take Bill Nye seriously
In his latest book, Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation, Bill Nye the "Science Guy" sounds more like those ignorant creationists he likes to ridicule than an objective, reasonable man of science:
Oh, but all those guys came before Charles Darwin, the patron saint of evolution. I suppose, then, Nye must have been referring to creationists like Louis Pasteur, the father of microbiology. Or James Joule, whose work with heat led to the law of conservation of energy and the first law of thermodynamics. Or Joseph Lister, the father of modern surgery. Come on, Bill.
I submit that it was a love of God and his creation that fueled the curiosity of these Christian scientists. The same can be said of modern creationists. After all, scripture is full of curiosity-inspiring passages:
In general, creationist groups do not accept evolution as the fact of life. It's not just that they don't understand how evolution led to the ancient dinosaurs, for example, they take it another step and deny that evolution happened at all anywhere, let alone that it is happening today. They want everyone else in the world to deny it, too, including you and me.So, according to Nye, creationists have no interest in exploring the world around them, nor do they understand the joy of discovery. He is probably thinking of creationists like Francis Bacon, who gave us the scientific method. Maybe he is thinking of Johannes Kepler and his laws of planetary motion. Or perhaps he has in mind Isaac Newton, who revolutionized mathematics and physics.
Inherent in this rejection of evolution is the idea that your curiosity about the world is misplaced and your common sense is wrong. This attack on reason is an attack on all of us. Children who accept this ludicrous perspective will find themselves opposed to progress. They will become society's burdens rather than its producers, a prospect that I find very troubling. Not only that, these kids will never feel the joy of discovery that science brings. They will have to suppress the basic human curiosity that leads to asking questions, exploring the world around them, and making discoveries. They will miss out on countless exciting adventures. We're robbing them of basic knowledge about their world and the joy that comes with it. It breaks my heart. (p. 10)
Oh, but all those guys came before Charles Darwin, the patron saint of evolution. I suppose, then, Nye must have been referring to creationists like Louis Pasteur, the father of microbiology. Or James Joule, whose work with heat led to the law of conservation of energy and the first law of thermodynamics. Or Joseph Lister, the father of modern surgery. Come on, Bill.
I submit that it was a love of God and his creation that fueled the curiosity of these Christian scientists. The same can be said of modern creationists. After all, scripture is full of curiosity-inspiring passages:
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)Undeniable, at its outset, demonstrates Nye's ignorance of science, history, and what creationists actually believe. It also showcases his willingness to lie in order to demonize those who disagree with him. It's this kind of nonsense that makes it extremely difficult to take him seriously as a scientist.
"He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing." (Job 26:7)
"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:3-4)
"For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)
"By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible." (Hebrews 11:3)
Friday, February 13, 2015
This Week in Calvinism - February 13, 2015
- Not surprisingly, Roger Olson has a soft spot for "revisionist Reformed" theologians who aren't so hardcore on the issue of God's sovereignty.
- Six key events in the history of Baptist churches.
- More free stuff from Tim Challies.
- Pastor Ronnie Rogers rejects the idea that rejecting Calvinism requires a weak view of depravity.
- Tweet from @GospelPanacea: "To reject the doctrine of election is to declare that, when left alone, you are more righteous than your unbelieving neighbor."
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