Friday, November 25, 2011

This Week in Calvinism - November 25, 2011

  • If you want to know the significance of Christianity in American history, study the Great Awakening.

  • Joel Taylor recommends an audio series that exposes the false teachings of Mark Driscoll, John Piper, John MacArthur, Alistair Begg, R. C. Sproul, and others.

  • Dan Corner refutes the "Calvinistic doctrine of infant damnation for the non-elect." Funny, I don't even remember being taught that.

  • A "negative" review of God's Wisdom in Proverbs, a book by Pyromaniac Dan Phillips.

  • Tim Challies has some great Black Friday deals for the discerning reader.

1 comment:

  1. The Joel Taylor rant seemed more focused on the YRR crowd than against those teachers listed. Even Mr. Taylor admitted that he agrees with most of what they (the celeb pastors) teach and that even on paper they hold to very sound doctrine. In that respect, I tend to agree. Being a reformed baptist who happens to be 28 and going to Boyce Bible College (undergrad of Southern Seminary, Louisville) I'm surrounded by the YRR crowd. I have to admit that I have noticed a disconnect between doctrinal confession and practice. Young ladies wearing tight and low fitting clothes and young men engaged in questionable behavior in the interest of fun and entertainment. I do not mean to come across as someone who has arrived. I, like everyone of the saints, will battle against the flesh till my death. But where the YRR folks are concerned - they might enjoy the doctrine of the purtians but they do not want to live as one.
