Are you there, Mom? It's me, Margaret. Sorry, I was hoping to catch you.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I made a donation in your name to Planned Parenthood. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate the life you gave me than by supporting the slaughter of unborn children.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom! Bye!

1 comment:
I have a minister that likes to say: "Are you surprised?"
Are you surprised at Judy Blume suggesting that a way to honor mothers is to donate to a corporation that is involved in the wholesale abortion of babies?
Are you surprised by her statement: "Nothing has made me prouder than seeing my own children - and really all young people - grow up to be healthy, educated, and in charge of their bodies and their lives?"
Given the state of fallen man I am not totally surprised, but I am saddened.
Let me fill in the blanks.
Nothing has made me prouder than seeing my own children (That I did not kill in the womb.) - and really all young people (Who were not killed in their mother's womb)- grow up to be healthy (Because sometimes it is claimed we needed to kill a baby in the womb to protect their mother's life.), educated (Because sometimes it is necessary to kill a baby in the womb so that the mother can finish school), and in charge of their bodies (Because the baby in the womb is violating the mother's rights to be in charge of her body.) and their lives (Because again the baby in the womb is getting in the way of the mother's plan for her life.)
On a side note who was in charge of the mother's body/life when she chose to put herself at risk to get pregnant?
Thanks for posting this.
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