Naturally, when I think of the Pope or the Vatican, the first word that pops into my mind is "simplicity."
"That doctrine that is called 'Calvinist' did not spring from Calvin; we believe that it sprang from the great founder of all truth."
-Charles H. Spurgeon
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Succinct and to the point. I love it. As long as the Pope insists on wearing a funny hat and riding around in a 'Pope Mobile' I will have to look circumspectly at his call for simplicity. Seriously a really good post by you. I glanced over the story, but the ludicrousness of the Pope pining for the simplicity of Christmas past did not immediately jump to my mind. Thanks for pointing out the obvious to one who does not always see the obvious.
@Lee: How ironic. Thanks for the laugh.
Thanks Lee for the laugh, great pic to go with the Pope's comments.
Wow. You guys really are out of the loop. I wrote the Calvinists are Pelagians article. We should chat. I'm a former BTS student.
Here's another one for you to ponder...
Wow, what an egomaniacal false prophet (the pope).
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